Abstract:  Join the Well DecomMISSION: to create sustainable approaches to decarbonize and repurpose wells.

Well decommissioning has come a long way in 100+ years in its complexity, scale and cost magnitude. However at its core it still maintains a dual barrier approach to preventing potential flow to the surface from permeable water and hydrocarbon zones. The fundamental geological approaches remain similar, and technology has also developed far beyond the early equipment used. Delivering higher precision in the measurement, preparation and qualification of wellbores.

The scale of operations has also changed dramatically, with factory and simultaneous operation projects are now commonplace, far beyond the labor intensive operations of the 1900’s. All these factors combine to reduce the risk on placing lateral isolation in wells. There is a series of challenges which haven’t yet been overcome in 100+ years how can we sustainably decarbonize upstream oil & gas operations through sustainable well decommissioning? Our Well DecomMISSION.

The presentation reviews the challenges to creating sustainability in well decommissioning. Starting with asset economics, an overview of well decommissioning subsurface and well operation fundamentals. Then it pivots to enablement, discussing the design of disruptive operation structures and development of sustainable well decommissioning operations which reduce environmental and financial risk. The considerations for design for decommissioning and carbon capture re-purposing are discussed, to assess the governance and structures needed to create value from the wellbore.

The closing discussions focus on the vision that sustainable well decommissioning at the end of its production life, should be the enabler to decarbonize well operations through repurposing the asset. Enabling higher hydrocarbon recovery rates through sidetrack drilling and bypassed oil production, or repurposing the wellbore to carbon capture and sequestration.

Biography: Steven Allan Canny is the Director of P&A Solutions with Archer, based in the United Arab Emirates. He has worked across five continents in engineering, sales, regional management and global leadership roles in the well decommissioning sector. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Design Engineering, and has granted and pending patents in well intervention and decommissioning equipment. He is also an active author on the subject with 38 publications, including 13 manuscripts. Most recently Steven has developed the EPSm contracting approach for end to end Well Decommissioning and commercialized several first in the sector in Central Asia, South East Asia and Australasia.
TCC Restriction: This presentation should not contain any material related to US Embargoed Countries or US Sanctions to Russia or any other country, still if anyone is invertedly connected and is working with a project or people related to these groups we ask you to not participate in this event.



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